Dental Care

How Much Does Teeth Bonding Cost in 2024 – Know the Fatcs

Teeth bonding, also known as composite bonding or cosmetic bonding, is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that can improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored, or misshaped. During the procedure, a tooth-colored resin material is applied onto the tooth’s surface and hardened using a special light, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the natural tooth structure. But how much does teeth bonding cost on average? This complete guide will walk you through the typical costs, factors that affect the price, insurance coverage, financing options, and more, so you can determine if teeth bonding is affordable for your budget.

Overview of how much is teeth bonding cost

The cost of teeth bonding can vary significantly based on several factors, but on average you can expect to pay:

  • $250 to $600 per tooth for composite resin bonding
  • $300 to $1,500 per tooth for porcelain bonding

Composite bonding tends to be more affordable than porcelain. The price also depends on how many teeth need bonding and the bonding technique used. Minor chips or discoloration on a single tooth can be bonded for $250 to $450, while those needing 4-6 teeth bonded for uniform shaping or closing gaps may pay $1,000 to $3,000 in total fees.

Below is a breakdown of typical teeth bonding costs based on number of teeth:

  • 1 tooth:$250 – $600
  • 2-3 teeth:$600 – $1,200
  • 4-6 teeth:$1,000 – $3,000
  • 10+ teeth:$2,500+

However, prices ultimately come down to your treatment plan. Consultations are needed to determine the bonding method, materials, number of teeth, and appointment length to get a more accurate quote.

What Impacts the Cost of Teeth Bonding?

Several factors can increase or decrease the total price you pay for teeth bonding services. These include:

Type of Dental Bonding Material

The main types of bonding materials are:

  • Composite resin: The most common and affordable material. Can cost $250 to $600 per tooth.
  • Porcelain: More durable but more expensive at $300 to $1,500 per tooth.

Porcelain bonding may be recommended for extensive repairs or restoring front teeth. Compared to resin, porcelain better resists stains and mimics the light-reflecting properties of natural tooth enamel.

Extent of Dental Repairs Needed

The amount of tooth restoration required will impact the bonding time and materials used. Prices tend to be higher if you need:

  • Bonding for multiple teeth instead of just one
  • Significant reshaping for crowded, cracked, or chipped teeth
  • Building up small or misshapen teeth
  • Closing large gaps between teeth

Minor bonding on a single discolored or chipped tooth will take less time and resin material than more complex repairs.

Dentist’s Fees

Like all cosmetic dental treatments, dentist fees account for much of the total cost. Cosmetic dentists or those with advanced skills, experience, and training in bonding may charge higher rates of $100 to $300 per tooth. Location also matters, with dentists in major cities or prime locations setting prices at the higher end of the range.

Additional Dental Procedures

You may require additional dental work before or along with composite bonding for optimal results. Common procedures done with bonding include:

  • Teeth whitening: $200 to $700
  • Dental veneers: $500 to $2,500 per tooth
  • Orthodontics: $3,000 to $10,000 for braces/Invisalign
  • Dental crown: $500 to $3,000 per crown

Any extra procedures will add to the total cost. Make sure you are aware of any ancillary dental work needed for the best outcome.

Your Insurance Coverage

The good news is that most dental insurance plans cover composite resin bonding to some degree since it is considered a restorative procedure rather than a cosmetic one. But policies vary widely in what percentage they cover and the annual maximums. You’ll want to check if porcelain veneers will also be covered, since they may be classified as cosmetic. We’ll discuss insurance more next.

Are Teeth Bonding Costs Covered by Insurance?

The costs of composite resin dental bonding are often partly or fully covered by dental insurance plans. However, the exact percentage covered will depend on your policy.

Here are some general guidelines on how dental insurance works for teeth bonding procedures:

  • PPO plans– Covers 60% to 90% of approved procedures, after you meet the deductible. You pay 10% to 40% as coinsurance.
  • HMO plans– Set copays for different procedures. Composite bonding is usually $0 to $150.
  • Without insurance– You pay the full cost out of pocket. Some dentists offer discounts of 10% to 40%.

Tips to get the maximum insurance coverage:

  • Verify that composite bonding is covered. Resin material for minor repairs usually is, while porcelain may be limited.
  • See an in-network dentist to reduce your portion of the fees.
  • Stick to an annual maximum for dental work – typical policies cover $500 to $2,000 per year.
  • Ask about discounts for paying the total treatment cost upfront if not using insurance.

Getting a pre-treatment estimate from your dentist allows you to understand costs and plan your insurance claim accurately. Submit the detailed estimate to the insurer before treatment for the most accurate picture of your copay amount.

Can I Finance My Teeth Bonding Expenses?

Yes, financing options are available from dental offices, health care lenders, and even credit cards if you require help paying for dental bonding:

  • Dental office payment plans– Many dentists offer monthly payment plans at 0% interest for those who cannot afford to pay the full cost upfront. Payment terms range from 3 to 24 months. Fees are often discounted by 5% to 10% compared to paying with insurance.
  • Medical credit cards– Cards like CareCredit offer special financing for healthcare procedures at fixed rates for terms from 6 to 24 months. However, interest rates are fairly high, from 15% to 25% APR if not paid in full during the intro 0% interest period.
  • Personal loans or credit cards– You can use an unsecured personal loan or credit card for dental work financing, but interest rates are usually higher, from 10% to 30%. These make more sense for smaller procedures under $1,000.
  • FSA/HSA accounts– Contribute pre-tax money to these accounts and use funds to cover dental treatments tax-free. But you need to have funds available upfront.

Shop around and compare financing offers before choosing the right option for your budget. Avoid plans with very high interest rates or fees.

Teeth Bonding Cost: Is It Worth It?

While teeth bonding costs can range widely based on your specific needs, most people find it an affordable cosmetic dentistry option that offers satisfying results. Advantages of dental bonding include:

  • Costs significantly less than dental crowns or veneers
  • Very conservative removal of natural tooth structure
  • Can be completed in just one visit
  • Improves tooth flaws with natural-looking outcomes
  • Little to no tooth sensitivity or discomfort
  • Often covered by dental insurance unlike other cosmetic treatments

Consider whether you can live with your tooth imperfections or want to improve your smile’s appearance with the relatively affordable option of tooth bonding. The increase in self-confidence and peace of mind delivered by bonding can be worth the investment for many individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions on Teeth Bonding Costs

How long does bonding last?

With proper care, composite resin bonding can last 5 to 10 years on average. Porcelain may last 10 to 15 years. But bonding does not last as long as dental crowns or veneers.

Does insurance cover teeth contouring with bonding?

Yes, subtly reshaping and contouring teeth through composite resin bonding is usually covered by dental insurance at typical restoration rates. However extensive cosmetic makeovers may not be covered.

Can I bleach my teeth after bonding?

You must wait 2 to 3 weeks after bonding treatment for full curing before bleaching teeth. Peroxide whitening gels can break down bonding resin during the initial setting period.

Does bonding ruin your teeth?

Composite resin bonding will not damage healthy tooth structure if done properly. It is the least invasive approach, unlike crowns that require drilling down the tooth extensively. However poor bonding techniques can lead to dental issues and failure over time.

Is bonding cheaper than veneers?

Yes, bonding costs about 70% less per tooth on average compared to porcelain veneers. Veneers are custom-made in a dental lab while bonding is completed chairside. The materials, technique, and time involved in veneers are more extensive.


The typical cost of teeth bonding ranges from $250 to $600 per tooth depending on the type of material used and the extent of repairs needed. More complex bonding treatments on multiple teeth can cost from $1,000 to $3,000. While not the cheapest cosmetic dental procedure, bonding costs significantly less than alternatives like veneers or crowns.

With insurance coverage, financing plans, and reasonable rates from some dentists, teeth bonding offers an affordable way to improve the appearance of discolored, chipped, crooked, or gapped teeth. Considering the positive benefits for your smile and self-esteem, composite resin bonding delivers excellent value at moderate prices for many individuals seeking subtle smile makeovers.

Faizan Ahmad

Faizan Ahmad is a passionate medical writer and health enthusiast. He joined Quick Medico in 2023 as a place to provide reliable information and resources about health, diseases, and wellness topics.

Now as the editor-in-chief of Quick Medico, Faizan leads a team of experienced medical writers and health professionals. His goal is to make complex health topics easy to understand and provide readers with practical information to improve their health and well-being.

Outside of work, Faizan enjoys being in nature, reading non-fiction books, and spending time with friends and family. He brings his natural curiosity and passion for lifelong learning to every article he writes or edits for Quick Medico. Faizan lives in Islamabad, Pakistan, and looks forward to continuing to grow Quick Medico into a leading health information site that empowers readers to take control of their health.

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